Exploring Mount Fuji: A Visitor's Guide

Written by Bryan Dearsley and Meagan Drillinger
Updated Dec 26, 2023

Mount Fuji — or Fujisan in Japanese — is the highest peak in the Fuji volcanic chain in central Japan and is the country's highest and most beautiful mountain. Almost perfectly round, its symmetrical form has long been celebrated in poetry and painting. The best known of these homages to this beautiful mountain can be found in the 8th-century verses of Yamabe Akahito, and the series of woodcuts, Views of Fuji, by Hokusai at the turn of the 19th century.

Mount Fuji
Mount Fuji

Recognized as the very symbol and emblem of Japan, the often snowcapped Mount Fuji can, on a clear day, be seen from as far away as Tokyo some 100 kilometers to the east. Part of Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park, Mount Fuji attracts more than a million tourists each year to the mountain and surrounding towns, approximately 300,000 of whom will make the climb to the top.

Of the hundreds of thousands of climbers who attempt to reach the summit of Mount Fuji between July and August, many will scale the mountain as an almost religious act, the culmination of which is the observation of sunrise on the summit.

One of Japan's Three Holy Mountains, or sanreizan, Mount Fuji joined the ranks of UNESCO's World Heritage Sites in 2013 as an important cultural location.

Climbing the mountain is now a rewarding and relatively easy experience given the numerous facilities set up to feed and accommodate climbers. Near the mountain are many cultural attractions and fun things to do that offer other reasons to visit besides summiting the peak.

Mount Fuji: Facts and Figures

Mount Fuji: Facts and Figures
Mount Fuji: Facts and Figures

Mount Fuji is a stratovolcano with a complex geological history spanning many millennia and a perfectly circular appearance. Its base has a diameter between 40 and 50 kilometers, while its summit stands 3,776 meters high and is capped by snow for several months of the year.

Believed to have been named after the Ainu word for fire, Mount Fuji has had an active history as an erupting volcano, with the last recorded eruption occurring in 1707. During that eruption, known as the Hoei eruption, the town of Edo (present-day Tokyo), some 100 kilometers away, was covered with a thick layer of ash. At the same time, the present lateral crater of Hoeizan was formed.

Fortunately, the volcano has remained dormant since then, although there are those who speculate that another eruption is possible in the foreseeable future, and could cause major disruption for the region.

Climbing Mount Fuji

Hikers on Mount Fuji
Hikers on Mount Fuji

Highlight: An eight-hour ascent that leads to the highest point in Japan

With more than 300,000 visitors arriving each July and August to make the approximately eight-hour ascent, the crowds climbing Mount Fuji can at times seem a little daunting.

Likewise, the roads leading to Mount Fuji are sometimes gridlocked, too. This is especially true at sunrise at the summit, the reason the majority of Japanese visitors make the pilgrimage, an important rite of passage to be tackled at least once in a lifetime (an old Japanese saying states that only fools make the climb a second time). It has been a tradition that reputedly dates back to the seventh century, when the first monks began climbing the mountain.

There are four routes up Mount Fuji, each divided into 10 stages (or "gome") of varying lengths, with the most popular being the Yoshida Trail. Paved roads reach as far as the 5th stations, and between the 7th and 8th stations of the Yoshida Trail, numerous Mountain Huts provide lodge-style facilities offering food, drink, and overnight accommodations. While huts are always open during July and August, be sure to check in advance for locations open during cooler months of the year.

Most climbers start their ascent in the early afternoon from the 5th Station so as to reach the 7th or 8th Stations before nightfall, spending the night in a hut before making the final summit climb early the following morning. Once here, climbers rest, take a walk around the Summit Crater (the Naiin, or "shrine") before beginning their descent around midday, returning to base in the late afternoon.

Crater on Mount Fuji
Crater on Mount Fuji

An increasingly popular variant is to make the ascent in one go, starting after 4pm and reaching the summit at sunrise. This latter option also offers great views from the summit before clouds begin obstructing the view down into the valley, usually after 9am, and ensures a chance of catching a glimpse of the famous Mount Fuji sunrise (goraikō).

Climbers intending to make the summit in a day like this need to be able to recognize the symptoms of altitude sickness and change plans accordingly, if need be.

Another popular option is to take one of the frequent buses running from the foot of Mount Fuji to the 5th Station (or drive and park here) and continue the climb. This effectively reduces much of the hard work required to make the ascent, and allows the return trip to the summit to be done in a day.

Alternatively, seasoned climbers and hikers may arrive in the quieter seasons of late spring and early fall to make their ascent, though the added dangers of snow and freezing temperatures do not make this the most recommended course of action.

Those looking to avoid the crowds but still hike in safer conditions, should aim for a weekday within the first few weeks of July. The beginning and end of the official climbing season are celebrated on July 1 and August 31 with solemn ceremonies.

The Mount Fuji Trails

The Yoshida Trail on Mount Fuji
The Yoshida Trail on Mount Fuji

Highlights: A selection of wide, safe trails all lead to the summit of Mount Fuji and can be accessed without serious climbing gear.

Mount Fuji's summit is accessible by four trails leading from the different 5th Stations: the Yoshida, Subashiri, Gotemba, and Fujinomiya trail. Of the routes from the 5th Stations, the Yoshida and Fujinomiya trails are most popular due to their numerous large huts and bigger parking lots, and their popularity among the many tour operators whose buses stop here.

While most visitors refer to "climbing the mountain," the slopes are gentle enough that even the steepest of spots can be handled without climbing gear. Trails are wide and safe and can easily handle the large numbers of climbers — even at choke points like the summit.

A popular alternative to climbing to the summit is to take the Ochudo-meguri trail. Known as the "boundary between heaven and Earth," this path encircles the mountain between the 5th and 6th Stations at the 2,500-meter mark. The complete circuit covers a distance of almost 20 kilometers and will take between eight to 10 hours, depending on your level of fitness.

The most difficult stretches are Hoeizan, on the east side, and the Osawa Gorge - the largest gorge of Mount Fuji - on the west side.

The Summit Crater

The Summit Crater
The Summit Crater

Highlight: A trail that leads to the eight peaks of Mt. Fuji, including the highest peak of them all

The crater rim trail around Mount Fuji's summit, Ohachi-meguri, takes in its eight peaks. These include Kengamine Peak, the highest point in Japan.

Much easier than the steep direct route along the crest is the shorter four-kilometer path around the inner rim of the crater, with the benefit of passing the Fujisan Sengen Shrine and the Gimmeisui Spring, also known as the "silver-shimmering water."

At the foot of the Hakusan peak, on the north side of the crater, rises the Kimmeisui Spring, or the "golden-shimmering water." It's well worth the effort, with the climb to the crater offering breathtaking views over almost the whole of mainland Japan.

Hot Tip: Be sure to visit the Kusushi-jinja Shrine, where special stamps can be purchased (and postcards mailed) commemorating your climb to the summit.


Fujiyoshida beneath Mount Fuji
Fujiyoshida beneath Mount Fuji

Highlight: Mt. Fuji's lower regions have a number of important historic shrines and thousands of years of history.

Due to the increasing popularity among "casual" climbers - a group made up largely of tourists and day trippers - of simply wanting to say they've "done Mount Fuji," a number of older shrines, huts, and teahouses along the lower routes are once again becoming popular.

These routes, such as the old Murayama trail in the southern foothills, are often skipped over by those heading for the summit. From these different vantage points, you'll not only gain a better perspective of the longstanding cultural history of Mount Fuji, you'll also enjoy some great views up the mountain from the lower slopes.

The city of Fujiyoshida serves as another good place from which to explore Mount Fuji's lower regions. In addition to its wonderful views of the mountain, it offers a number of interesting tourist attractions, too. Highlights include Kitaguchi Hongū Fuji Sengen Jinja, an important Shinto shrine with a nearly two-millennium history of serving as the starting point for pilgrimages up Mount Fuji.

The shrine is now also home to a museum dealing with the lives of locals living in the volcano's shadow. Fujiyoshida is also where you'll find the Oshino Hakkai, a small village with postcard-worthy views of Mount Fuji surrounded by tranquil ponds and landscaped settings.

Fuji Five Lakes

Lake Kawaguchi and Mount Fuji in autumn
Lake Kawaguchi and Mount Fuji in autumn

Highlights: Kayaking, fishing, and a fun-filled pirate-themed boat cruise

On the northern flank of Mount Fuji is the Fuji Five Lakes region, an area of outstanding natural beauty that also provides superb views of the mountain. The five lakes themselves - Lakes Shoji, Kawaguchi, Saiko, Yamanako, and Motosuko - are worth the journey and offer a number of fun activities, from fishing to kayaking or a pleasant trip aboard a pirate-themed cruise ship.

Another attraction of note in the Five Lakes region is The Healing Village (Saiko Iyashino-Sato Nenba). This interesting traditional Japanese village showcases the lives and livelihoods of the locals over past centuries.

Lake Ashi

Lake Ashi
Lake Ashi

Highlight: An eight-kilometer lake known for its resorts, boat rides, and scenic views

For a stunning watery environment with great views of Mount Fuji, Lake Ashi, roughly 50 kilometers southeast of the summit, is a popular day trip from Tokyo. It is reputedly one of the most beautiful bodies of water in the world. Bordering all sides of this eight-kilometer lake are mountains and lush forested landscapes.

Popular activities at Lake Ashi include scenic boat rides, staying at nearby resorts, and simply enjoying the views out and over the water. The most convenient way to get to the shore of Lake Ashi is the Hakone Ropeway, a gondola ride that delivers elevated views.

Note that the colder months of the year tend to have the best view of the mountain backdropping the lake.

Aokigahara Forest

Aokigahara Forest
Aokigahara Forest

Highlight: A circular ice cave known for its ever-changing ice formations

Also known as the Sea of Trees, the Aokigahara Forest on the northern slope of Mount Fuji has a bit of a macabre association tied to it. Myths and other monikers aside, this dense forest of overgrown roots, moss, and light-reducing trees is a notable attraction in the area, much in thanks to the explorable caves and other hiking opportunities offered here.

One of the most popular tourist attractions within the forest and the surrounding Five Lakes region, the Ice Cave is a circular cave with ever-changing ice formations. The Wind Cave, on the opposite side of the forest, provides an easy 15-minute underground tour with interpretive information. Both caves have their own visitor centers located near their entrances, where tourists can find souvenirs, various food stalls, and even some much-welcome ice-cream on hot summer days.

Best Time to Visit Mt. Fuji

While Japan is a great destination to visit year-round, its most famous landmark can be rather fickle depending on the time of year. The mountain, which stands at a staggering 3,776 meters, is best viewed on a clear day, so the time of year matters when it comes to the best viewing and visiting of Mount Fuji.

December and January are the best times to view the mountain, as the weather is the clearest, and views are unfettered by clouds. This is not, however, the best time to climb Mount Fuji. For that, July, August, and September are best. In fact, these are the only times to climb the mountain because that is when the trails are open.

Expect obstructed views and rainy weather in April, May, June, July, August, and September, particularly during the rainy season.